Warranty : 60 Months
Memory foam mattresses will last much longer and the warranties available are more extensive because the materials used are far superior to that of a spring mattress.
Memory foam is sensitive to body temeperature and moulds itself to support all your body contours.
Memory foam redistributes body weight and provides support to your neck, back, shoulders, knee and legs. Memory foam improves circulation and reduces spinal pressure.
Size Available : 84 X 72, 78 X 72, 78 X 66, 78 X 60, 78 X 54, 78 X 48, 78 X 42, 78 X 36, 72 X 72, 72 X 66, 72 X 60, 72 X 54, 72 X 48, 72 X 42, 72 X 36